The Plasma You May Not Know

IStock 583731394Recently, we’ve heard a lot about the power of platelet-rich plasma for renewing the skin. This substance, found in the blood, can facilitate significant tissue regeneration to reduce the signs of aging. While we are well aware of the benefits of this type of plasma treatment, we also want to point out that it is not the only plasma treatment out there. The other, the use of ionized gas plasma, is also noteworthy. We discuss why here.

Subnovii, The Other Plasma Treatment

We are pleased to offer Subnovii Plasma treatment in our NYC office. This cosmetic technique works in concert with the layers of plasma (ionized gas) that is present on the skin’s surface. The Subnovii device interacts with the ionized gas on the epidermis to instantly sublimate a tiny spot. The spot indicates a controlled injury that sends a minor shock to the deeper layer of tissue where the fibroblasts live. These cells, responsible for the production of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, are woken up by this shock, resulting in necessary tissue regeneration. Where the skin is flooded with new collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, we see an improvement in tone, texture, tightness, and resiliency.

Subnovii Plasma treatment can stimulate the correction of the signs of aging and sun damage in several areas, including:

  • The forehead
  • The upper and lower eyelids and around the eyes
  • Around the mouth
  • The jawline
  • The neck and chest

What is it Like to Get Subnovii Plasma Treatment?

During this skin-rejuvenating treatment, a small device is used to create an interaction between ionized gasses on the skin. The device applicator never touches the skin but causes tiny injuries. This feels like small zaps. Patients do not typically describe the process as painful. Depending on the area treated, the procedure can take just a few minutes or about an hour. A thorough consultation and skin examination are performed to confirm that Subnovii is the best treatment option for specific concerns and skin type.

After treatment, patients return home to begin their brief recovery period. The tiny injuries made on the skin turn to scabs very quickly. These scabs can take up to 10 days to slough off. As the healing process continues, the skin may feel slightly itchy or tight. This is an indication of the rejuvenation that is to come. Due to the increase in the production of vital chemicals in the skin, improvements may continue for up to six months.

Your skin knows what to do, sometimes it just needs a little help. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Sobel, call 212.288.0060.