Achieve smooth and clearer skin at our office in Manhattan
Smooth, beautiful skin is something all of us aspire to have. But unfortunately, aging, hormones, and genes sometimes make it a lofty goal, and one that some people may seek out laser treatments to achieve.
The eTwo laser using Sublative Rejuvenation is truly a unique procedure because it’s the first to combine the results you can get with aggressive treatments without having to endure downtime. The secret to eTwo is the energy used and how the energy is delivered through the skin. The energy, whether laser or light, must be delivered below the skin without overheating the top layer of the skin. This has been the challenge with other, more aggressive treatments because they work by overheating the top layer of the skin to the point of complete removal, forcing new skin to develop.
The eTWO device, developed by Syneron, offers a new, non-ablative way to rejuvenate skin to treat wrinkles or scars while simultaneously tightening the skin. In combining Sublime and Sublative, two of the company’s most advanced, FDA-approved applications, a comprehensive facial rejuvenation experience is created. The eTwo laser offers patients minimal downtime of two to three hours in typical cases, with a maximum of a day or two. A full-face treatment session usually takes between 20 and 40 minutes. Most patients undergo a three-treatment session series, spaced four to six weeks apart for optimal results. However, the number of sessions required may vary depending upon the skin conditions the patient wishes to correct.
To explain and truly appreciate eTwo treatments, it helps to understand how the original ablative fractional skin resurfacing laser treatments work. Collagen is produced deep within the skin, keeping it plump and smoothing out wrinkles and scars. The fractional skin resurfacing laser targets the thousands of microscopic channels in the skin where collage forms. The laser heats these deeper skin layers to not only stimulate but also shorten aged collagen fibers, resulting in the immediate and long-term improvement of wrinkles and facial contours. Meanwhile, the untreated skin stimulates the body’s innate healing process. While incredibly effective in treating skin irregularities, fractional laser treatments often leave patients needing at least seven days of healing and recovery.

The eTwo laser difference
The eTwo rejuvenation system works differently than previous laser treatments. It uses fractionated bi-polar radio frequency to penetrate through the skin, sending more energy beneath the surface of the skin to maximize collagen production. However, instead of damaging the surface, the eTwo only causes very minimal disruption to the top layer of the skin. This is an important factor in why it’s safe for all skin types and various degrees of pigmentation. By combining this fractionated bi-polar radio frequency technology with infrared light, these forms of energy are placed effectively into the upper dermis as well as deeper dermal layers. This not only stimulates collagen growth but increases levels of elastin in the skin as well.
Prior to the procedure, the nurse may apply a topical anesthetic to numb the skin in the treatment area and use a cooling device to minimize discomfort. Most patients report no pain during the eTwo laser treatment, but simply a feeling of warmth and prickling on their skin. Post-treatment, some patients develop a slight pinkness or reddening of the skin similar to a sunburn. In rare cases, side effects may occur, including the development of blisters, crust, or pigment changes in the skin, but they typically disappear quickly.
Combining the new technology of the Sublime and Sublative applications, the revolutionary eTwo system is the most comprehensive facial rejuvenation technology available today. The eTwo laser is clinically proven to treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, red and brown spots, and textural irregularities caused by excessive sun exposure. It is safe and effective for treating skin problems anywhere on the face, including around the eyes, cheeks, brow, and neck. The eTwo quickly diminishes signs of aging and improves the overall quality of your skin where treated.
Making your skin smoother and more youthful once again, eTwo rejuvenation is the “all-natural” approach to enhancing your appearance and achieving clear skin with an even complexion. When compared with other non-aggressive cosmetic treatments such as Botox®, fillers, or chemical peels, eTwo rejuvenation results typically last longer. Consult your physician today to see if treatment with the eTwo laser is the right choice for you.
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If you are seeking skin tightening treatment in NYC, our staff at Sobel Skin offers honest, human, forward-looking care to help you be your best, most refreshed self. Call 212.288.0060 or fill out the email form in the right-hand column of this page to book an initial treatment consultation with Dr. Sobel. Our talented team looks forward to serving you.