Introducing ProNox

Breeze through pain-free, anxiety-free cosmetic treatments with Pronox

Through the years we have heard many patients express the desire for liposuction, laser treatments or injectables, but have concerns about experiencing pain or anxiety. As with going to the dentist, many patients have high tolerance levels for undergoing procedures, while others may need a little help in the comfort level department. Our goal at Sobel Skin is to always provide each patient with a pain-free experience and to work with their particular and varied anxiety levels. We want our patients to achieve their cosmetic goals worry-free and opt for the most appropriate, best treatment for their needs.

We are pleased to introduce ProNox™ — a patient-controlled, inhaled Analgesia for in-office use. Patients have claimed that is has made all of the difference in moving forward with many cosmetic procedures.

Here are some of our patient’s initial questions and our answers:

What exactly is ProNox?

ProNox is a pressurized driven gas system designed to deliver a 50% oxygen and a 50% nitrous oxide mixture to adult patients for the relief of pain and anxiety in a medical setting. It similar to laughing gas at the dentist, and is inhaled by the patient. They are in charge of administering it on their own during the entire procedure.

How long does ProNox take to work?

ProNox literally works in seconds, and since the patient is in charge, they can determine if and when additional doses are required, and the frequency of those doses. The patient is in complete control of their promoting their own comfort and calming their anxiety. ProNox has even been used by women in labor during delivery.

Is ProNox safe?

ProNox is completely safe, with no lasting effects. Patients can leave after a procedure the way they normally would.

What are some procedures that ProNox is helpful for?

As we stated earlier, some patients may not even require ProNox, as everyone has different tolerance levels. Patients that are prone to anxiety during medical procedures have claimed that is particularly helpful for liposuction, PRP therapy and some of the more intense, deeper laser treatments.

Overall many patients have viewed ProNox as a great system for completely taking away any fear or anxiety that had prevented them from moving forward with a desired cosmetic procedures.

Call us today at 212-288-0060 for more information or to schedule a consultation.


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